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Quick install app

One of Hestia’s most requested feature is to add support for Softaculous. However, due to the required use of Ioncube in hestia-php and because we are against the use of proprietary software, we have instead developed our own Quick install app solution.

More information can be found in the hestia-quick-install repo

Creating a new app

  1. Make a new folder called Example in /usr/local/hestia/web/src/app/WebApp/Installers/
  2. Create a file named ExampleSetup.php.
  3. Copy the example file’s content into your new file.

This will add an app called “Example” when you open the Quick install app page.


The following settings are required to display the info on the Quick install app list:

  • Name: Display name of the application. Please be aware that the naming of your app should follow the following regex: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0,9]. Otherwise, it will not register as a working app!
  • Group: Currently not used, but we might add features that use it in the future. Currently used: cms, ecommerce, framework.
  • Enabled: Whether or not to show the app in the Quick install app page. Default set to true.
  • Version: x.x.x or latest.
  • Thumbnail: The image file for the app icon, include it in the same folder. The max size is 300px by 300px.


Form fields

The following fields are available:

  • Text input
  • Selection dropdown
  • Checkbox
  • Radio button

Since this is quite a complex feature, please check our existing apps for usage examples.


Flag to enable database auto-creation. If enabled, a checkbox is shown, allowing the user to automatically create a new database, as well as the 3 following fields:

  • Database Name
  • Database User
  • Database Password

Downloading the app’s source code

Currently the following methods of download are supported:

Server settings

Enables you to set app requirements and web server templates. For example, some apps require a specific Nginx template or will only run on PHP 8.0 or higher.

  • Nginx: Template used for Nginx + PHP-FPM setup.
  • Apache2: Template used for Apache2 setup. Can be usually be omitted.
  • PHP version: Array of all supported PHP versions.

Installing the web application

There are multiple ways to install and configure the web app after it is has been downloaded.

  • Manipulation of config files.
  • Run commands. For example, use drush to install Drupal.
  • Using curl to provide configure the app over HTTP.


To prevent any issues, make that all commands are executed as the user, instead of root or admin. All the commands that are supplied by HestiaCP do this by default.


Once you are done, you can submit a Pull Request and we will review the code. If it meets our standards, we will include in the next release.

Released under the GPLv3 License.